Click a Link!
These links have to be kewl! There on this site... hahaha

Like myself *Stephanie* TaLeNA is a Princess too...
Favorite Sites
My Ruin
Its the band with the ass song checkem out (Silly Stephanie..The "ass song" Is called BLASPHEMOUS GIRL"!!)
The Distillers
Kewl punk band... Brody with a bad ass voice!
Another kewl Distillers site
Davids *Agent Stefanis b/f* site
This is about stuff kewl stuff cause hes kewl
Carbomber 940
There a little high skool punk band
Cradle Of Filth
They're a KICK ASS band (Yep..Dani..WoO..Dani Filth.)
Sexy Talena Atfield Site
Well..lets see..its..about Talena =)
Tairrie B
Cool Fansite Dedicated To Tairrie B (aka Miss B) Of My Ruin =) GO NOW!
Amphibious Assault
Fallon Bowman's new band..wo0o0o0o0ot.