o0o0o Look at all the SESSY people
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My Ruin

Mystery Band




The Picture Load Kinda Slow
Be Patient You little fucker ^_^

this is mine and Doms role models...

Its the hottest chick ever!

o0o0o Bettie and her asset

This is David C (Wesley)... You can poke him and he wont get mad... yeah

it's SEXY RACHEL with a devotchkas shirt on!!!


Chio and Steph on Halloween~ awWw

It's my Monkey!!! YaY!!!

Its Nocturne. Look at Lacey..she's shiny.

^BroDy ShE bEE SeSSy...

OH NO!!! someone has my monkey's held hostage

Something Dom drew.

umm... thats some girl and my girl firend Bianca and some other girl who looks like shes scared...

A bunch of GREAT stuff.


Its Jessicka! -clings on-

Its a pretty *DAISY ROCK* guitar hehehe

Its FaLLon and TaLeNA

shhhh The Distillers are trying to figure out who get to go tinkle first...

Its Gwen Stefani.

Its thy Edwin "the sexy pic"

Look..Its Miss B. GrRrRr.

its Amber the cutie pie

Amber on the swings

It's Meghan!!! shes a fucking awesome bassist

David playing el gitaro.... *i donno*

*~Marilyn Monroe~*

Its Meghan and Zippy..(look Gwen its Zippy)

The Adicts

if Dom was a doll this is what she'd look like!

AwWwW how purrrty